Saturday 2 November 2013

is it weird?

I don't if it's weird or not that this show motivates me so much! Especially one of the main characters: Rarity.

So she's obviously from My Little Pony and I don't know why but whenever I watch that show I feel freakishly inspired to do something. Rarity makes me feel like:

  • Dedicating my time and focus to something
Since she's got an obsession with getting all the details right in her sewing and fashion and whatnot, it makes me wanna work at something and get it right. Even homework, woah
  • Actively trying not to be a jerk
Like me, Rarity gets all wrapped up in her own world and sort of ignores everyone else. Makes me think I should pay more attention to other people
  • Taking care of myself
I've got this thing where I'm not really confident about how I look (ha ha, what? that's SO unheard of) and I guess Rarity teaches me I should quit giving a hoof and just realise I'm a hot motherfricker. I am. So are you. We all are in some kind of way. I mean I have unusually attractive fingernails. What about you?

So yeah, Rarity, and just the whole show in general is pretty damn good.

Week of Halloween

friday i think i went to school. i probbably did but i don’t remember for sure if we had a day off or not but anyway afterwards on friday night i went to a halloween party at my friend tuesday’s house and i got drunk for the first time in like a year which was dumb because what happens when i get drunk? i stop breathing in my sleep :o so i was basically scaring the crap out of my boyfriend andrew whenever i tried to go to sleep but it was ok in the end because i ate these freakishly delicious cupcakes and not so delicious crisps and i sobered up and it was gooood. (exept for the fact i could smell peoples puke groooossss) but then this guy was walking around with a nerf gun shouting about he wanted to shoot my buddy in the head. he also strangled her and shouted at another of my friends. weird. then we all stayed up and talked for a bit until i realised there was no room anywhere for me and andrew to go to sleep so we went and slept upstairs in the spare room. :) :) :) :)

saturday i wrote some of my RS essay and an english essay and on sunday i went for a run with this really cool new app i got called strava. basic stuff blah blah walk my awesome dog wash the dishes tidy my room a bit.

monday i went to my friend’s house with some other girls and we had really awesome food like proper good home-made noodle stuff and then fruit with chocolate fondu. afterwards we watched grease and easy A and then i got tired and went to sleep while everyone else played twister or something.

tuesday blah blah blah exercise, chores, procrastination.

wednesday was amazing because i went to london with a few friends and andrew for basically the first time. the only other times i’d been was to go to the airport or to art galleries with school which is always such a bore. but this time was so cool because i went to camden and somewhere else and there’s this really rad shop called hyper japan that i spent too much money at look at this bag LOOK AT THIS TOTE ASS BAG
and yeah we had really cool food like in camden there’s this food section where you can choose a country and eat food from it. i chose china and had noodles and fried chicken and i fell back in love with lipton ice tea. on the way home (on the train) it kind of sucked because we were all cramped in a space because people are so bloody stupid and wouldnt sit in the seats and instead just blocked the isles. eventually (like 3 stops later) i got a seat next to this business man. i know he was a business man because i was reading his business book over his shoulder like the creep i am. oh, also there was a crazy angry lady who was either blind or super ignorant and proper rude. i called her “cheeky”

then thursday! it was halloweeeeen so i went to my friends house to sleep round (it was also his birthday) and we ate such good pizzas and cake and played GTA5 and we went to mcdonalds and my friends were all smoking cigarettes and a cigar and i shunned them.

we didn’t really do anything halloweeny exept watch the last half of a movie called Hide and Seek and it took me forever to figure out where i’d seen the guy before. Today I realised he was from Stardust. oh and we went on omegle. the weirdos on there tho.

finally it was friday and i woke up this morning still at my friends house. we all cleaned up a bit and then i went back to andrew’s house with him and we had sex and played some borderlands 2 and then i came home and now i’m on the internet.
And so that was my week. I’m very open about my life woo.

Thursday 11 July 2013


YAY, my review was put on the website c:

Brave Store Review

I know this store is big on Storenvy and has over 1000 sales, and few have said anything bad about the store, so I naturally assumed there would be no problems with my purchase.

I fell in love with the "Floaty Dress" the moment I saw a picture of it on the store, and saved to buy it. Here it is: click click click

After I payed, I was hoping I'd be able to track my dress, but I wasn't. And, in the store faq it's said that the item will take 1-2 days to be shipped, but it was a full week before I got the email saying my dress was shipped. Although I was pleased that after that it only took about 30 days to arrive in England from Hong Kong.

It was packed pretty tightly so I was a little worried about accidentally cutting the dress with my scissors but it was fine.

When I opened the package I was a little disappointed.


It doesn't look too bad, but when i looked closer...

The loose threads were all about the dress, even by the collar.

And the button was practically detached. It was as if it were hand made, but I didn't think the Brave store was supposed to be a hand made store. Pretty disappointed with this dress since it wasn't really what it appeared to be.